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Is ultrasonic water meter an electronic water meter in principle?
点击次数:265  更新时间:2020-12-26  【打印此页】  【关闭


    Water meter is a common measuring instrument. It has a history of nearly 200 years. So what type of water meter does ultrasonic water meter belong to in principle?

Regarding the classification of ultrasonic water meters, according to the working principle and structural characteristics of water meters, they can generally be divided into:
a) Mechanical water meters: measuring sensors, calculators and indicating devices are water meters with mechanical principles and structures, mainly volumetric water meters.
b) Mechanical water meters equipped with electronic devices: mechanical water meters with complete structure are retained, and water meters with electronic devices are added on this basis, mainly including prepaid water meters and remote water meters.
c) Electronic water meters: Electronic water meters are divided into mechanical sensor electronic water meters and electronic sensor electronic water meters.
The measuring sensor of the mechanical sensor electronic water meter is composed of a sensor based on the principle of mechanical motion and a sensor element that can convert the mechanical motion into an electrical signal and input into the calculator. The calculator and indicating device are electronic components, such as vortex (leaf) Wheel-type electronic water meter.
The measuring sensor of the electronic water meter is based on the principle of electronic or electromagnetic induction. The calculator and the indicating device are all electronic components, such as ultrasonic water meters, Coriolis water meters and electromagnetic water meters.
Through the above introduction, we can understand that in principle, the intelligent ultrasonic water meter belongs to the electronic water meter.