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Briefly describe the selection, installation and use of smart water meters
点击次数:274  更新时间:2021-01-04  【打印此页】  【关闭

When replacing the smart water meter to choose, there are often some problems that we have not noticed, which often leads to many problems during the installation or use, such as inaccurate measurement of the mechanical part and the electronic part, and the valve cannot be opened. ...This kind of problem, and the length and size of the smart water meter for the installation size; because the product will have national standard and non-national standard, there are also different files in the national standard selection, so the problems that need to be prevented are endless... we sort out some The main items let everyone know that we need to pay attention to these technical issues throughout the process.

1. It is recommended to determine the type, measurement characteristics and caliber of the water meter according to the working conditions of the water supply facility. The expected flow rate should be compatible with the Q1 to Q3 flow rate of the water meter.
2. The installation of the smart water meter must be based on the prompts on the dial of the water meter: "H" indicates horizontal installation, and "V" indicates vertical installation. The direction of the arrow on the meter case is consistent with the direction of pipe water flow.
3. Install plugs or stop valves on the upstream and downstream of the water meter, and install straight pipe sections of sufficient length and the same diameter according to U5, D3 (5DN, 3DN) requirements to ensure accurate measurement.
4. The impact and vibration of the surrounding environment of the installation site shall be prevented from causing damage to the water meter.
5. Avoid excessive stress on the water meter caused by pipes and fittings. When necessary, the water meter should be installed on the base or bracket. The upstream and downstream water pipes should be properly fixed to ensure that when the water meter is removed or one side is disconnected, no part will be displaced due to the thrust of the water.
6. The pipe installation should leave the necessary smart water meter connection length. When the distance between the pipes at both ends exceeds the length of the water meter, the pipe distance should be corrected to meet the water meter connection length. Otherwise, if the distance is too large, forced installation will cause the water meter thread connection end or The pipe joint or the connecting nut and the connecting flange are broken and damaged. If the distance is too small, the water meter cannot be installed. If the pipes at both ends of the water meter are not on the same axis, other ways should be used to correct the pipes on the same axis to meet the installation requirements of the water meter, otherwise the above phenomenon will also be caused.
7. The main pipeline should be flushed before installation to prevent debris, sand and other debris from entering the water meter.
8. In order to make the water meter work for a long time, the water meter should always be filled with water. It is recommended that the tap of the water outlet is 0.5m above the water meter.
9. Measures should be taken to prevent adverse hydraulic conditions (cavitation, surge, water hammer) from damaging the water meter.
10. The water meter should be protected from exposure to sunlight and freezing, and anti-freezing measures should be taken during freezing. The water meter should be prevented from being damaged by external environmental corrosion.
11. During the long-term use of the water meter, periodic verification should be performed according to local requirements. If there are debris, rust and other sediments in the pipeline that block the water filter and affect the accurate measurement, it must be recalibrated by the designated department. The user is not allowed to repair the water meter at will.
12. This kind of water meter is suitable for water supply system with stable pressure. In order to avoid and reduce the influence of pipeline pressure instability on the water meter, it is recommended to install a pipe joint with a check valve at the water inlet end of the water meter and try to empty the gas in the pipe behind the water meter.
13. If the water meter is used in a harsh environment, after installing a check valve and emptying the gas in the back-end pipe of the water meter, the rotation of the water meter cannot be eliminated, the water supply company should consider other methods to solve this problem (such as improving the pipe network or replacing the sensitive Poor water meter).

I believe that through the above list of 13 points about smart water meters that need to be noted in the selection, installation and use, everyone will save a lot of trouble in these environments. If you have more questions, please contact us for more details.