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Ultrasonic water meter measurement technology and a brief analysis of its advantages and disadvantages
点击次数:272  更新时间:2021-01-04  【打印此页】  【关闭

Ultrasonic water meter is an important water supply metering instrument. The convenience and economy it brings to flow measurement is unmatched by other flow meters. Today we will briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic water meters.
First of all, let's first understand the ultrasonic flow measurement technology: when ultrasonic waves propagate in a flowing fluid, the fluid velocity information is applied. Therefore, the received ultrasonic waves can detect the fluid velocity and convert it into a flow rate. According to the monitoring method, it can be divided into different types such as time difference method, speed difference method, frequency difference method, Doppler method, and correlation method.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic water meters, relevant technical personnel have concluded:

1. Advantages of ultrasonic water meter:
(1) The ultrasonic water meter uses a straight-through pipe section, which is basically the same as a water pipe, without internal blockage.
(2) There are no moving parts inside the measuring part of the ultrasonic water meter, so there will be no wear.
(3) Ultrasonic water meters can ensure the accuracy of accurate measurement throughout the life cycle, which does not change with time.
(4) Ultrasonic water meters are completely free from the interference of impurities, chemical substances and magnetic substances, and can be said to be fully adapted to the current water quality in China.
2. Disadvantages of ultrasonic water meters: At present, compared with other water meters, one of the main disadvantages of ultrasonic water meters is that the price is relatively expensive. Therefore, many water management departments will apply ultrasonic water meters to water measurement in large-diameter pipes. For general household water meters, the scale of use is relatively small.