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What are the components of a heat meter?
点击次数:260  更新时间:2021-01-06  【打印此页】  【关闭

     Many managers, users, construction parties, etc. don’t know much about the product-related components, so they are at a loss during the purchase or use process, so today we will mainly sort out the general parameters such as the composition of the heat meter and the flow point. I hope to give you a simple Add a little information.

    The composition of the heat meter is divided into a flow sensor (installed in the heat exchange system and used to collect water flow and send out a flow signal), a paired temperature sensor (on the same heat meter, used to measure the inlet and the heat exchange system) A pair of temperature sensors with the same or similar measurement characteristics of the outlet temperature), a calculator (a component that receives signals from a flow sensor and a paired temperature sensor, calculates heat, stores and displays the heat value exchanged by the system), and a copper Body (this is not explained in detail).

    Flow means the volume and mass of the heat carrier water flowing through the heat meter in a unit time. The heat meter has 3 flow points: the maximum flow (water flows through the heat meter. In a short time, the limit flow of normal operation is Under this flow rate, the accuracy of the heat meter should not exceed the error limit. For detailed errors, refer to the industry’s national implementation standards), common flow rate (the water flow rate during normal and continuous operation of the system for a long time, and the accuracy of the heat meter should not exceed Error limit), minimum flow rate (the lower limit flow rate when water flows through the heat meter, and the accuracy at this flow rate should not exceed the difference limit).