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What are the requirements to meet the stable flow conditions of ultrasonic water meters?
点击次数:289  更新时间:2021-01-28  【打印此页】  【关闭

For ultrasonic water meters, stable flow of tap water helps to ensure the measurement accuracy of ultrasonic water meters, while fluids flowing in disorder make it difficult to ensure the measurement accuracy of ultrasonic water meters. So what are the requirements to meet the flow conditions of ultrasonic water meters?

Regarding meeting the standard requirements of steady flow conditions, the technical staff of the ultrasonic water meter manufacturer summarized the following points:

1. The pipeline is far away from the pump outlet, half-open valve, upstream 10D, downstream 5D (D is the outer water pipe diameter);

2. 30D away from the pump outlet and half-open valve.

Can not meet the standard requirements of ultrasonic water meter steady flow conditions, the following conditions can also try to measure:

1. There is an elbow or buffer device between the pump outlet, half-open valve and the installation point;

2. The inlet of the pump and the upstream of the valve;

3. The flow rate of the fluid is medium and low.

(Low flow rate: flow rate <1m/s; medium flow rate: flow rate 1-2m/s; high flow rate: flow rate> 2m/s)

It is difficult to ensure a steady flow in the following situations, so be careful when installing an ultrasonic water meter.

1. The straight pipe section away from the pump outlet and half-open valve cannot guarantee 10D, and there is no buffer device such as elbow;

2. The straight pipe section away from the pump outlet and half-open valve cannot guarantee 10D, and the flow rate is high;

3. Flow vertically downwards and flow diagonally downwards;

4. The downstream distance from the open outlet of the pipeline is less than 10D.

Note: If it is difficult to judge the steady flow, the portable ultrasonic flowmeter can be used for actual measurement and observe the signal condition.