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How does NB-IoT realize remote management?
点击次数:274  更新时间:2021-05-13  【打印此页】  【关闭

We all know that water meters are related to our lives. With the development of the times, every industry has progressed, and water meters are no exception. From the traditional door-to-door meter reading fee to the current wireless remote water meter, the Internet of Things water meter (NB -IoT) has been widely used, so do you know how the Internet of Things water meter (NB-IoT) realizes remote management?


Let's talk about the Internet of Things water meter (NB-IoT) in detail. It is a wireless remote communication water meter independently developed by our company. It uses the NB base station laid by the communication company and the built-in NB module of the water meter for wireless communication. The base station is sent to the open platform of the communication company to realize the device connection. The whole system is composed of the IoT management system platform, the NB base station, and the Internet of Things water meter (NB-IoT). The system has a high degree of automation and actively uploads data once a day. However, this can be set according to management requirements and can monitor the operation and consumption of the water meter at any time, and has a wide range of applications. Low power consumption is an important indicator of IoT water meters, especially for those occasions where it is not easy to replace the battery. If battery-powered water meters are used, it is definitely unrealistic. The IoT NB-IoT module has a small amount of data and a small rate. Function, so the power consumption of the NB-IoT module can be very small. The Internet of Things water meter (NB-IoT) has a built-in 6-year communication fee, and there is no need to renew it midway, so you can use it with confidence.


The above is the relevant introduction on how to realize remote management of Internet of Things water meters (NB-IoT). Lianyungang Tengyue Technology specializes in the research and development and production of Internet of Things water meters of various calibers. If you are interested in our products or have needs in this regard, Welcome to leave a message or call, and look forward to cooperating with you!