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What are the reasons why ultrasonic heat meters have become mainstream heat metering products?
点击次数:302  更新时间:2021-05-18  【打印此页】  【关闭
    At present, with the country's energy shortage, the traditional extensive and high-energy-consuming heating method is gradually being replaced by the heating method of household metering and heating on demand. The heat meter industry also ushered in a new member-ultrasonic heat meter.

    According to mechanical characteristics, it can be divided into mechanical, electromechanical and electronic. The mechanical type means that the entire watch is composed of mechanical parts without electronic components. This type of technology has a low technical threshold and a low price. It is an earlier mainstream product, but its anti-interference ability is poor, mechanical gears are easily stuck or damaged by impurities, and it is not suitable for the electronic trend. In order to overcome the above problems, more intelligent electronic heat meters have appeared on the market. Electronic heat meters have become the mainstream to replace traditional heat meters. Ultrasonic heat meters are among the best.

    Ultrasonic heat meter is based on the ultrasonic flowmeter plus temperature measurement, and calculates the heat provided to the user by the flow rate of the fluid and the temperature difference between the supply and return water. The flow measurement part is to use a pair of ultrasonic transducers to alternately (or simultaneously) transmit and receive ultrasonic waves, indirectly measure the flow velocity of the fluid by observing the time difference between the forward and reverse flow of the ultrasonic in the medium, and then calculate the flow rate by the flow velocity. Indirect measurement method.

    After the flow rate is obtained, the temperature of the inlet water and the outlet water are measured by two temperature sensors located on the inlet and outlet pipes respectively, and the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet water is calculated. The flow sensor is used to measure the instantaneous hot water flow Q of the water supply pipeline, and after a certain time of accumulation, the value of the heat consumed by the user is obtained.

    It can be seen that the ultrasonic heat meter can become the mainstream heat meter for heating is tested by the market. Tengyue Technology specializes in the production of ultrasonic heat meters, if you need it, please feel free to contact us.