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The concept and introduction of sound channel of ultrasonic water meter
点击次数:302  更新时间:2021-05-24  【打印此页】  【关闭
    Regarding the concept of the sound channel of an ultrasonic water meter, many customers are not very clear, but many customers will ask the question of whether the more sound channels of an ultrasonic water meter are better when they buy. Today we will talk about this topic.

    From the perspective of classification, the ultrasonic water meter is a fully electronic water meter, and its main measurement method is to use the time difference method, that is, the method of detecting the time interval generated by the action of the fluid flow on the ultrasonic pulse when it propagates upstream and downstream. The sound channel of the so-called ultrasonic water meter mainly refers to the internal sensor probe, a pair of sensor probes are monophonic, two pairs are dual-channel, and so on. So is the performance of the water meter better with more channels?

    Compared with the mono-channel ultrasonic water meter, the multi-channel has a significant improvement in performance. But it cannot be said that the more sound channels of an ultrasonic water meter, the better. On the one hand, the increase in the number of sound channels, this weighted average method makes the ultrasonic water meter more stable and its ability to adapt to the environment is stronger, but the performance of the ultrasonic water meter is determined by four factors, such as the level of hardware and software. , The quality of the sensor, whether the design of the pipeline is reasonable, etc. On the other hand, in order to attract the attention of consumers, many manufacturers deceive consumers under the guise of multi-channel, but the quality is very poor.

Therefore, there are many factors that determine the performance of an ultrasonic water meter, and it cannot be said that the more sound channels of an ultrasonic water meter, the better its performance. For large purchasers of water meters such as water companies and property owners, when purchasing an ultrasonic water meter, you cannot look at the soundtrack closely, and all factors must be considered comprehensively. Tengyue Technology specializes in the production of ultrasonic series of water meters of various calibers and models. If you have business in this area, please feel free to contact us. Large quantities are available.