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Introduction to the advantages and disadvantages of smart water meter body materials
点击次数:282  更新时间:2021-06-04  【打印此页】  【关闭
There are various types of body materials for smart water meters. At present, the mainstream smart water meters on the market are made of brass and ductile iron. However, engineering plastics, stainless steel castings, and cast aluminum alloy bodies are also used. Here is a brief introduction for everyone The advantages and disadvantages of these types of smart water meter body materials.

1. Engineering plastics:

Main features: easy to manufacture; non-toxic and non-polluting; corrosion-resistant, non-rusting, non-scaling, sanitary and environmentally friendly; light weight.

Existing problems: low mechanical strength, insufficient rigidity, cold brittleness, easy aging, creep, etc.

2. Stainless steel castings:

Main features: acid and alkali resistance, no secondary pollution; no corrosion and exudation under high and low temperature conditions, sanitation and environmental protection; good mechanical properties.

Existing problems: difficult to process and high manufacturing cost; currently, mass production capacity has not yet been formed.

3. Cast aluminum alloy:

Main features: abundant raw materials and low cost; good mechanical performance; high cost performance and low production cost.

Existing problems: under the action of impact force, the surface hardened layer of threads and other parts is easy to peel off and damage; whether the precipitates after surface oxidation will be harmful to human health needs to be evaluated; the prediction and evaluation methods of body corrosion trends are still under study .

Through the introduction of smart water meter manufacturers, everyone should be more clear about the advantages and disadvantages of smart water meter body materials. Tengyue Technology specializes in producing smart water meters of various types and materials. If you are interested in our products, please leave a message online.