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What conveniences bring to us from the IoT AMR water meter?
点击次数:287  更新时间:2021-06-08  【打印此页】  【关闭
With the arrival of "Internet of Things", the IoT AMR Water Meter is the product of this Internet of Thinning data. It is a general trend. We enjoy the Internet of wireless water meter to bring us convenient and fast service. Let's talk about what conveniences do?

First of all, for the management, the administrator can use the management platform to carry out the water meter itself (valve state, battery usage, and network signal) is normal, you can directly query the water meter information of the specified user, including the daily water, monthly water volume and other information. The staff can quickly complete the meter reading in the office, which greatly saves time to improve work efficiency. Second, the comprehensive cost of the Internet of Things is very low, especially installation costs, no need to hoop, wiring and other live operations, as long as the water meter is installed on the pipeline, all debugging is completely completed in the computer terminal, operator signal Within the coverage of the base station, it can support water meter data, upload, up to 99%, and easy to promote nationwide. For users, users can pay, recharge anytime, anywhere, and record recharge records and records. Very convenient, saving time to pay the payment station.

The above is about what facilitates bringing us on the Internet of Things, if you are interested in our products or have this demand, welcome online message, I look forward to working with you!