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Frequently Asked Questions about Wireless Ultrasonic Water Meters
点击次数:267  更新时间:2021-07-22  【打印此页】  【关闭
The wireless ultrasonic water meter is made by adding a wireless remote water meter module to the ultrasonic water meter. Common remote modules include LoRa module NB-IoT module, etc. Here are some common questions and answers about wireless remote ultrasonic water meters.

The wireless ultrasonic water meter mainly uses the principle of ultrasonic flow measurement to measure the flow of tap water, and adopts a straight-through pipe structure design in appearance to avoid mechanical wear problems. At the same time, the range ratio is higher and the range is larger, which avoids the problem of non-measurement of small flow in traditional mechanical water meters.

First of all, I will introduce the error problem of the measurement accuracy of the wireless ultrasonic water meter. Generally speaking, the allowable error of the first level of accuracy is ±1% in the high area and ±3% in the low area, while the allowable error of the second level of accuracy is The high area is ±2%, and the low area is ±5%. Since the error involves settlement issues, users need to pay extra attention to purchases. In daily use, wireless ultrasonic water meters will also encounter some problems, such as:

If the LCD screen of the wireless ultrasonic water meter is illegible or blurred, and the weak current warning symbol is vaguely seen on the display, it means that the power of the water meter is insufficient and the battery needs to be replaced in time. After the battery is replaced, the display cannot be displayed normally. If it is, it means that there is a problem with the display, and the user needs to notify the water company to repair it.

If the wireless ultrasonic water meter has inaccurate measurement, it may be caused by three reasons. One is that the water meter is interfered by a strong external interference source, the other is the pressure of the water supply pipe network is unstable, and the third is that the water meter has been in disrepair for a long time and has reached its useful life. . When the user encounters the above situation, he should notify the water department first, and then wait for the staff to deal with it. Never disassemble and repair it privately.