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What is the communication method of NB-IoT wireless remote water meter
点击次数:288  更新时间:2021-08-26  【打印此页】  【关闭
The full name of NB-IoT is Narrow Band Internet of Things. Compared with eMTC, its main feature is that it has carried out more in-depth optimization according to the Internet of Things, which further reduces the network load while ensuring communication. NB-IOT wireless water meter is developed based on this new communication technology.

The high-level optimization of NB-IoT for the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is to increase the coverage, and the other is to increase the system capacity. According to the introduction of 3GPP, NB-IoT greatly improves the demodulation efficiency of the system by reducing the coding rate, and reduces the signal transmission power of a single device (the protocol stipulates a maximum of 200mW, and 5Wh power requires at least 10 years of standby time). In order to achieve a higher upload and download rate (upload and download rates can only reach 250Kbps), the overall coverage area of GPRS is increased by 20dB, and each carrier can support more than 200,000 network connections. In addition, according to capacity requirements, NB-IoT can also expand the system bearer scale by adding more carriers, and has the ability to use a single base station to support millions of IoT connections at one time.

In terms of deployment methods, NB-IoT is not purely based on LTE like eMTC, but supports three different deployment methods at the same time. The first type is Standalone. This method uses a separate frequency band. The advantage is that it will not cause interference and is simple and straightforward. The second type is Guard Band, which uses the guard band at the edge of the LTE frequency band. The advantage is that no separate frequency band is required. The disadvantage is that the signal strength is weak and it is easy to interfere with the LTE system. The third type is In Band, which directly uses an idle band of the LTE frequency band, which is fully compatible with LTE.

The reason why NB-IoT has such a complicated deployment method stems from its complicated background. The technology sources of NB-IoT mainly include two parts: one is the NB-LTE (Narrowband-LTE) technology proposed by companies such as Nokia, Ericsson and Intel, and the other is the NB-CIoT (Narrowband-LTE) technology proposed by Huawei and Vodafone. Cellular IoT) technology. The former is based on the simplification of LTE technology and can be compatible with the current LTE standard; while the latter is almost a redesign and is completely customized based on the Internet of Things. At the discussion meeting in September 2015, the two technologies of NB-CIoT and NB-LTE reached a unity, which is today's NB-IoT.

In China, Huawei is the main promoter of the NB-IoT standard. At the end of 2015, Huawei and 21 industry giants including mainstream operators, equipment manufacturers, chip manufacturers and related international preparations established the GSMA NB-IoT Forum industry alliance in Hong Kong. Among them, six operator members also announced that they will join forces. Huawei has established six NB-IoT open laboratories in most countries, focusing on R&D and verification in the NB-IoT field. At present, China Unicom has established an earlier NB-IoT technology demonstration site in most countries in Shanghai.
  Therefore, the NB-IOT water meter will become the most technologically advanced wireless remote water meter in the smart water meter market.