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The prepaid water meter changes the reading performance
点击次数:355  更新时间:2021-08-26  【打印此页】  【关闭

    In addition to recording and electronically displaying the water consumption, the prepaid water meter can also automatically control the water consumption according to the agreement, and automatically complete the calculation of the water fee of the tiered water price. At the same time, it can perform the function of water data storage. Because its data transmission and transaction settlement are carried out through IC cards, it is possible to realize the transition from the staff on-site to operate the meter to the user to pay the fee at the business office. The prepaid transaction system also has the characteristics of convenient transactions, accurate calculations, and the use of banks for settlement. The appearance of the IC card water meter is basically similar to that of a general water meter, and the installation process is basically the same.

 The use of prepaid water meters is very simple. From the user's point of view, it is to insert the IC card into the water meter. The working process of the prepaid water meter is generally as follows: insert the IC card containing the amount into the IC card reader/writer in the water meter, after the microcomputer module recognizes and downloads the amount, the valve opens, and the user can use water normally. When the user uses water, the water volume collection device starts to collect the water consumption, converts it into the required electronic signal and supplies it to the microcomputer module for measurement, and displays it on the LCD display module. When the user's water consumption amount drops to a certain value, the microcomputer module initiates an emergency signal by sound, prompting the user to pay for water with a card. If the amount of water used is exceeded, the microcomputer module will automatically close the electric control valve to cut off the water supply. Until the user inserts the IC card that has been paid, it restarts to open the valve for water supply.