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What points should be paid attention to when choosing NB-IOT wireless water meter?
点击次数:272  更新时间:2021-08-31  【打印此页】  【关闭

The wireless water meter is equipped with a wireless remote communication module on the basis of the traditional water meter, so that the mechanical data displayed by the water meter is converted into electronic data and sent to the cloud platform wirelessly. So what points should you pay attention to when choosing a wireless water meter?

1. Durability
Although the maintenance plan is set during the installation and daily use of the wireless water meter, the humidity and temperature of the space environment cannot be controlled. If the temperature and humidity resistance of the water meter is poor, it will affect the service life, so you should buy the wireless water meter in the early stage. It is necessary to pay full attention to whether there is a tight casing, whether it can resist normal temperature, and whether it can work normally at slightly higher and lower temperatures, so as to measure the quality and stability of the water meter.
Second, look at the price

2, look at the price
The price of a reputable wireless water meter is slightly higher than that of an ordinary water meter, but its price does not show large-scale fluctuations or frequent fluctuations, and the price of a brand-type water meter is almost the same as that of ordinary products. It can be compared in search engines. To judge whether the pre-purchased water meter is within a reasonable price range, but the price of some brand-type accessories selected by the water meter rises slightly is a normal phenomenon.

3, look at intelligence and functionality
In principle, in addition to reading the value, a good quality wireless water meter must also have certain humanized functions, such as whether to report time or remote control, automatic reading calibration, function damage and abnormal operation alarms, etc., and even whether it can be based on the water supply and drainage company. The actual need for secondary development.

We should pay attention to the above points when choosing a wireless water meter. Try to place an order from a regular business manufacturer. You can also consult a professional and recommend it by a dedicated person. Because this type of wireless water meter involves the water consumption of thousands of households, and The interests of the water supply and drainage company are directly related, and at the same time, it is necessary to achieve long-term operation. Therefore, it is imperative to choose a suitable water meter in the early stage, which can be contacted and consulted through the official customer service of the brand manufacturer.