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What is an ultrasonic water meter and what does it do?
点击次数:345  更新时间:2021-09-02  【打印此页】  【关闭

The working principle of the ultrasonic water meter is a kind of water meter that calculates the flow rate through the time difference generated by the flow in the water, which is characterized by low flow speed and high-precision measurement. In addition, the ultrasonic water meter is not affected by impurities in the water, and the communication function can meet the needs of users.

The disadvantage of the ultrasonic water meter is the influence of air bubbles, scale and water temperature, so pay attention to the process of installation and use. Although this kind of problem is more resistant, you should also pay attention to the angle of installation. Only by paying attention to the characteristics of the pipeline in the installation angle can the water flow be measured more accurately. In addition, this structure is simple and easy to maintain, and it is very suitable for civil and industrial use.

Many people may not be very clear about the purchase of ultrasonic water meters, but they must pay attention to the method and application scenarios of this purchase, because this function is similar to ultrasonic flow meters, but also pay attention to the flow impurities and dirt in the pipeline. The problem is that when installing, you should also pay attention to whether the surrounding environment is affected by the magnetic field. In addition, the size of the water flow must be considered to be more accurate.

When choosing this kind of ultrasonic water meter, it is necessary to understand the manufacturer in time to see what the company’s products are, what is the after-sales service, and whether the data given by the manufacturer can satisfy your own use. Make a reference to know what kind of ultrasonic water meter is better. It is more important to consider the price. Although the price is a bit more expensive compared with other water meters, it does not affect the use.