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What is NB-IOT wireless water meter? What does it do?
点击次数:348  更新时间:2021-10-08  【打印此页】  【关闭

    Among the mainstream smart water meters on the market, the wireless water meter should be regarded as the most technologically advanced product in this industry and also the most popular product among customers. However, wireless water meters are only a category of smart water meters. There are also many types of wireless water meters: Bluetooth wireless water meters, RF wireless water meters, WIFI wireless water meters, GPRS wireless water meters, NB-IOT wireless water meters, lora wireless water meters, etc., so which one is more cost-effective High?

    In terms of overall cost and ease of installation, the NB-IOT wireless water meters is the most suitable. The cost of this wireless water meter is relatively low because of its low module cost and low later flow cost. NB-IoT has four major characteristics: one is wide coverage, which will provide improved indoor coverage. In the same frequency band, NB-IoT has a gain of 20dB over the existing network, which is equivalent to an increase of 100 times the capacity of the coverage area; With the ability to support connections, NB-IoT can support 100,000 connections in one sector, supporting low latency sensitivity, ultra-low equipment cost, low equipment power consumption and optimized network architecture; the third is lower power consumption, NB -The standby time of the IoT terminal module can be as long as 10 years; fourth is the lower module cost, which means that the more it is used, the lower its overall cost.And because the NB-IOT wireless water meters itself is a terminal device, it can be installed and used directly without any debugging. The installation method is the same as that of an ordinary water meter, which is very simple.

However, the main limiting factor for the NB-IOT wireless water metersis the speed at which the communication base station is laid. At present, China has basically achieved full coverage, but the laying speed in other countries is still very slow, so I want this product to be widely used. It will take a while.