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How should the prepaid water meter be used?
点击次数:302  更新时间:2020-12-24  【打印此页】  【关闭

At present, smart water meters are no longer a new term for people. With more and more rural and urban tap water renovation projects, the country is constantly strengthening the construction in this area. Smart water meters have gradually replaced traditional mechanical water meters, and according to different management needs, water management departments can choose smart water meters with different functions. Among them, the prepaid water meter is a widely used smart water meter.

The user only needs to open an account and pay at the water management office to get a recharged IC card, and then use this user card to swipe his home water meter, the water meter can read the amount in the card and automatically open the water meter valve. Users can use water normally. The benefit for the management department is that it no longer needs to maintain the traditional manual meter reading, reducing a lot of manpower and time costs. Moreover, this also largely avoids the phenomenon of wrong copy and missed copy, and can also solve the headache of "difficulty in charging". 

The installation of prepaid water meters is also very simple, basically the same as the installation of ordinary mechanical water meters, and can be operated without professional technicians. It should be noted that because the IC card water meter has a built-in valve, it is recommended to install a Y-type filter at the front of the water meter inlet, which can effectively reduce the impact of impurities such as sand and stones on the valve of the water meter. And because the stability of the water flow is different in different installation environments, try to install a check valve at the end of the water meter to effectively prevent the backflow of water from affecting the metering of the water meter.

The prepaid water meter brings not only convenience and speed to the water management department, but also provides a very comprehensive revenue report and data analysis for each region, which also provides great help for the management department's later water supply control. In the near future, I believe that smart water meters will truly become an indispensable common measuring instrument in every household.