Wireless Water Meter
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Wireless AMR water meter(NB-IOT)

     NB-IOT is the latest Internet of Things transmission communication technology. It has the advantages of low power consumption, multiple connections, wide coverage, high security, etc., and our LXSG-S9 wireless AMR water meter (NB-IOT) is used A new generation of smart water meter with NB-IOT module, which replaces the original GPRS wireless transmission mode, and further improves and optimizes the wireless AMR solution.However, it should be noted that the current coverage of NB-IOT networks in some countries is not optimistic, and it is believed that this situation will be improved in the future.

Technical Parameters

Flow Curve

     Install a wireless water meter in each user's home. The water meter will search for nearby NB-IOTcommunication base stations and register to the IoT cloud platform. The water consumption data of the water meter can be uploaded to the platform through the communication base station. The client uses the cloud server to obtain real-time data of residents' water consumption, monitor the real-time water consumption of each resident, charge according to the water consumption of each household, support automatic deduction and manual entry and payment.